Adviser Selection Survey



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Adviser Selection Criteria Survey


Adviser Selection Criteria Survey. Afghan War News is collecting information about the criteria for adviser selection, training requirements, and employment of advisers. To this end we will post links to surveys that advisers can take providing information for our research. This first survey is on adviser selection criteria.

Who Should Take This Survey? If you have in the past or are currenlty serving as an adviser in Afghanistan then you can take this survey.

Instructions for Taking Survey. This survey takes about 2 minutes to complete. There are ten questions; nine are "Yes" or "No" and one is a one line text answer. It is completely confidential, your computer IP is not collected, and your name and e-mail (or any other identification) is not asked for. Survey results will be posted at some point in the future. You can access the survey at the link below:

Adviser Selection Criteria Survey
Click here to take survey

Survey Questions are Below

1. Have you worked or are you now working as an SFA adviser in Afghanistan?
2. Did you deploy as part of an adviser team?
3. How were you selected for your adviser assignment?
4. Did you (do you) have the appropriate rank to be an adviser?
5. Did you have the appropriate Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) for the job?
6. Did you (do you) have the appropriate age for the adviser position?
7. Did you have the appropriate training for the adviser position?
8. Did you have the appropriate experience for the adviser position?
9. Did you have the appropriate personality for the adviser position?
10. Would you serve as an adviser again?

About the Survey. The survey is done online and is conducted by SurveyMonkey. The survey will be closed at some point in the future after 100 responses have been received. (That could take two weeks or five months, depending on how well the word spreads to other advisers). Results will be posted for viewing. You can request to have the results sent to you via e-mail or a link to the results page once published (send the request via email to the email below).


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